Who's Calling Again!? Another Market Correction Trigger??
Greenspan sees dramatic drop in Chinese stocks ... Worried Shanghai Will Burst ...China Syndrome? U.S. stocks sold off Wednesday afternoon after former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said he was concerned Chinese stocks may undergo a " dramatic contraction " but said the global economy may be able to shrug off a drop in asset prices. Addressing a meeting in Madrid via teleconference, Greenspan said the recent boom in Chinese stocks could not last . " It is clearly unsustainable ," he said " There's going to be a dramatic contraction at some point ." The main Shanghai index has nearly tripled in past year and is up 56 percent so far in 2007. Greenspan also said a correction could cause problems for Chinese personal wealth. Some analysts have speculated that the Chinese government could be tempted to dip into its reserves to bail out any stung investors and avoid social unrest. Greenspan, who stood down as Fed governor last year, said cheap...