
Showing posts from July, 2005

NKF CEO's $600,000 pay revealed in court

NKF CEO's $600,000 pay revealed in court By Bertha Henson July 12, 2005 The Straits Times A CLOSELY guarded secret of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) was finally made public yesterday: the salary of its chief executive T.T. Durai. Gasps could be heard in the courtroom when it was revealed that on top of his $25,000 a month salary, he also received 10 to 12 months in yearly bonuses. That makes his annual salary between $550,000 and $600,000, or $1.8 million in total over the past three years. This fact, and the disclosure that he had flown first class on NKF's funds, emerged on Day 1 of NKF's defamation suit against Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) . The NKF, which is entirely dependent on public funds, offers dialysis treatment to kidney patients. Two out of every three Singaporeans contribute to it. It is taking issue with a Straits Times article by senior correspondent Susan Long published on April 19 last year, which stated that a gold-plated tap had ...

About "Kumo no mukou, Yakusoku no basho"

About "Kumo no mukou, Yakusoku no basho"

MBA vs Engineer

An MBA and an Engineer go on a camping trip, set up their tent,and fell asleep. Some hours later, the Engineer wakes friend. "Look up at the sky and tell me what you see." The MBA replies, "I see mil lions of stars." The Engineer asks "What does that tell you?" The MBA ponders for a minute :"Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the God is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?" The Engineer friend is silent for a moment, then speaks. "Practically...Someone has stolen our tent".