Invasion of the botnets: Cyberattacks on the rise
Invasion of the botnets: Cyberattacks on the rise The types of cyberattacks aren't new, but the speed and number of them are on the rise By William Jackson Aug 28, 2009 For the past year, the cyber threat landscape has been dominated not by new vulnerabilities and exploits so much as by the sheer number of attacks against information technology systems and the growing professionalization of the bad guys behind them. In this report: New threats emerge from once-trusted protocols and services “The sexiness of the threat has not increased,” said one industry observer who met with a multiagency task force on intrusion. “But the exposure in terms of the number of exploits is growing exponentially.” The numbers are sobering. “Malware is at the highest point we’ve ever seen it,” said Dave Marcus, director of security research at McAfee Avert Labs. “2008 was the biggest year so far. The first half of 2009 has eclipsed all of 2008,” with 8,0...