RO water filter - Water Demonstration - Is it Safe?

This is my personal experience, if anyone show you an experiement whereby using a electrode probe, so call water analyser by the saleman, emmersed into cup of tap water, and subsequent the tap water turn reddish, kind of dirty..... They will start telling you how dirty is our water...and convincing you to buy their RO water filter.

Below is the technical explanations, which I have gotten the permission from Public Utilities Board (PUB) to share amongst my family and fellow friends.


For your information, during an electrolysis demonstration, a device (one shiny rod and one black rod) is emmersed into a beaker of PUB water. When a power supply source is applied, an eletrolysis reaction takes place causing reddish brown precipitates to form. The presence of ions such as H+, OH-, Ca2+,Cl-, SO4- & F- in PUB water contributed to its inherent conductivity. Hence, a current passed through it would cause chemical reaction to occur at the electrodes and result in precipitation of by-products. This by-products are from the immersed electrodes and not the water itself. However, when a sample of distilled water is subjected to the same test, no precipitation is observed. This is because eletrolysis does not occur in distilled water. This is attributed to its low conductivity, which hinders the passage of the current.


BTW, water supplied by PUB is treated to a quality well within the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality and is good and safe for life-long consumption without the need for any point-of-use water treatment or filtering devices to further treat the water.


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