HORROR!! Part cow, part human embryo bid by British scientists

Part cow, part human embryo bid by British scientists

LONDON - Scientists in Britain applied for permission to create part cow, part human embryos to be used in research on treating diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

The procedure, which they hope will provide a plentiful supply of stem cells, involves transferring nuclei containing DNA from human cells to cows' eggs.

At present, embryonic stem cells have to be obtained from unwanted early-stage human embryos left over from in-vitro fertilisation treatment.

But the proposal has been questioned by some ethics campaigners, who claim it could blur the line between animals and humans.

The application was submitted on Monday to Britain's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the body regulating embryo research, by the North-East England Stem Cell Institute, run by the universities of Durham and Newcastle, northern England.

Dr Lyle Armstrong, a Newcastle University lecturer leading the team, said the work was necessary 'to take this area of stem cell research to the next stage'.

But Mr Calum MacKellar, of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, told the BBC online: 'In this kind of procedure, you are mixing at a very intimate level animal eggs and human chromosomes and you may begin to undermine the whole distinction between animals and humans.'

A decision on whether to grant permission for the work is expected within the next few months. -- AFP


vincent said…
What on earth is happening? Are we running out of research ideas? This is absolutely insane and outrageous!

Are we trying to destroy mankind? Is this some kind of ultimatum or armageddon?

By approving such experiments, we are acknowledging ourselves as terrorists of our DNA!

Is this what stem cells research is all about? What are we trying to achieve? Could we handle the unimaginable outcomes?

Perhaps, it's ripe to revisit some ancient medicine, explore deeper into the secrets of accupuncture...or even monitor the strange diets that we have been feeding our animals.

The last thing we ever want to see is strange creatures dominating our fragile ecosystem!

We should pick up some pointers from sci-fi shows. If humankind could imagine it, it's not gonna be far-fetch!

Come on, earthlings! It's time we should stand firm on such controversial issue...before it's too late!

We are blessed to have such a beautiful but yet fragile planet to call home.


One KEY LESSON: What goes around comes around!

Come on, earthlings! It's time we should stand firm on such controversial issue...before it's too late!

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