Battle of the Browsers: IE7 vs. Firefox 2..and the WINNER is ....

In one corner we have Internet Explorer 7. After 18 months of development and a shiny new set of tabs, he's in top shape and looking better than his predecessor ever did. That is, before he entered the ring with Firefox 2.0. Now he's just a cripple with fancy RSS reading.


"Unlike IE 7, which has reorganized its toolbar, Firefox 2 changes only the look and feel of its buttons."
"The new shiny-glass look [firefox] is much more sophisticated, as are the rounded tabs and the hairline borders around the address bar and the search engine box."
"IE 7's new streamlined look resembles Vista's."

Tabbed Browsing

"New in Firefox 2 is session restore; if Windows crashes and you have several tabs open in Firefox at the time, you can now relaunch Firefox with all the tabs intact..."
"Firefox 2's tab updates are generally a step ahead of IE's. For example, you can configure Firefox to always save your last session for future use; with IE 7 you have to click a box every time."


"RSS isn't treated lightly within IE7; in fact, Microsoft built an entire RSS reader and bundled it in with the browser."
"Firefox 2 makes the raw [RSS] feed understandable, and offers a range of new subscription options."
"Possibly the coolest new feature is Live Titles, formerly Microsummaries, which allows Web sites to stream updated data to your bookmarks."


"Security enhancements within Firefox 2 continue. New is a dialog box informing you of cross-domain scripting, a tactic used by criminal hackers to link nonrelated sites to sites you think may be legit."

"But the most important new security feature in IE 7 -- something called Protected Mode, which stops Web sites from changing your computer's important files or settings -- will work only in the new Vista version of Windows."


"IE 7 still uses essentially the IE 4 Web engine. So in terms of page performance, Mozilla Firefox, which updated its Web engine with Firefox 1.5, remains the much faster browser."

Random Tidbits

"Firefox 2 also gives you the ability to correct your spelling mistakes online, just like using a word processor."
"Once you have access to inline spell-checking, you won't want to surf the Web without it."


"The new Internet Explorer is a solid upgrade, but it's disappointing that after five years, the best Microsoft could do was to mostly catch up to smaller competitors."
"Of the two rivals, Firefox remains the better application."

High Level Product Comparative Analysis: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7


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